Create WhatsApp Chatbot For Your Business!

How To Create A WhatsApp Chatbot For Your Business?

27 March, 2024lens1 min read

How To Create A WhatsApp Chatbot For Your Business?

According toWhatsApp, there are over 2 billion users worldwide, making it one of the most popular messaging platforms globally. Businesses using WhatsApp Business API have reported a significant increase in customer engagement, with an average open rate of over 70% for chatbot messages.


Chatbots with advancements in Artificial Intelligence and machine learning are becoming even more helpful for businesses. Whether it's answering customer questions, tracking orders, or calculating shipping rates. Chatbots are a great tool for providing quick solutions for all businesses.


Creating your chatbot is easier nowadays, and you don't need to know how to code. There are different types of chatbots out there, but we're focusing on ones designed for small and medium-sized businesses. These chatbots can do more than just collect email addresses from Customer Service to Engagement they can handle various tasks without breaking the bank.

Research shows that AI-powered Chatbots can handle up to 80% of routine customer inquiries, reducing response times and improving overall customer satisfaction.


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Outstanding customer service is essential for setting yourself apart in the current competitive environment. Chatbots go beyond live chat tools by instantly addressing customer queries across multiple channels without needing a support agent. They've become essential for businesses looking to provide top-notch service.

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